ISSN 2822-3349 (Printed)
ISSN 2822-3357 (Online)

Intelligence Theory from an Epistemological Perspective

25.01.2025 | Merve ÖNENLİ GÜVEN


Thinking ability of human beings is the main component that makes it possible for the socialization process of the individuals. Even though this process is created by individuals, it also shapes the individuals as social beings. Intelligence as one of the significant components of nations and the international system is also the product of socialization processes. Intelligence is a crucial and critical tool for the maintenance of social organizations and political relations in an order. To address this construction process in scientific manners, intelligence studies should be disciplined. Therefore, intelligence studies should embrace theory with methodology. This study is an attempt to maintain a theoretical basis for intelligence studies through discussing the place of intelligence conceptualization in social and political theory. For this purpose, structure-agency relationship in social theory and politics-power relationship in political theory are analyzed for structuring the position and function of intelligence in social and political spheres. With an epistemological perspective, how do we perceive our external world and how do we maintain the nature of our knowledge in social and political processes are tried to be addressed with emphasizing the place of intelligence in these processes.

Key Words

Önenli Güven, M. (2025). Intelligence Theory from an Epistemological Perspective. Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies, 4(1), pp.26-37, DOI: 10.61314/icad.1600262
