Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD aims to;
a. To increase the level of academic knowledge on the use of intelligence in the fight against terrorism, intelligence and counter-intelligence,
b. To convey the new developments in the world related to these concepts to the scientific community and the public,
c. Contributing to the development of unique concepts for intelligence in Türkiye and creating a platform for academic studies on this issue,
ç. To conduct theoretical-analytical-empirical researches and studies on intelligence, intelligence history, intelligence concept, intelligence services, counterintelligence, intelligence methods and psychological operations in the fight against terrorism,
d. To produce reliable information on intelligence in Türkiye ,
e. Contributing to the literature in the field of intelligence in Türkiye , gaining a respectable place at the national and international level and being a reference journal,
f. It aims to reach quality and competence by including studies in the field of intelligence within the application of peer-reviewed academic journals.
Journal of Intelligence Research and Studies-İÇAD is a national peer reviewed academic journal published twice a year, in January and June by the Research Center for Combating Terrorism and Radicalization Association (TERAM).
İÇAD accepts the articles in the fields of intelligence in the fight against terrorism, intelligence discipline, counterintelligence, intelligence organizations, intelligence types, intelligence gathering disciplines, psychological operations, psychological operations intelligence and intelligence history. In this context, our journal is open to all studies in the field of social and human sciences. Turkish and English articles are accepted.